Looking for opportunities to collaborate with local artists, businesses, brands and more?
LinkedIn is too formal and Instagram is too messy. So we are building this local list.
Join us in this creative revolution ⚡️.
Use the filter, sort, and search buttons to find what you are looking for (they appear when you hover over the table)
Click on each page for more details.
Projects, ideas, and opportunities posted by other businesses that you could join in on!
We can give you an introduction. Just shoot us a message on Instagram or Email.
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Support Tier
Bi-weekly 1hr meetings with a designated team member who will help with strategy, data, and more.
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Agency Tier
We’ll take care of everything from content creation, posting, analytics, and the whole pipeline.
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Content Creation
Getting busy? We can make one-off pieces of content - posts, videos, newsletters and more!
$40 per post
Why trust us?
We’ve grown our social media 9X in just 6 months. How? Using our passion as fuel we were able to stay consistent and learn the ins and outs of creative communities. We’ve also hosted almost 100 events in collaboration with partners across South Florida and developed event templates that work. If you have questions, schedule a call with us. Let’s see how Wana can help you grow.